Carolina Dow Books
If you have a burning interest in crime fiction, tea, tealeaf reading, botanicals, aromatherapy, divination, and Latina topics, For I have written books in all these fields.
To learn more about these subjects and read excerpts from some of my books, please click on the above buttons.
To find out the kinds of talks I give, please click on the “Book Clubs” icon.
Soon I will have a Carolina Dow Products button to click on to purchase my books. If you can’t wait for me to finish building my site, you can order by sending a check or money order through snail mail to C. Dow, 3820 26th St., Boulder, CO 80304. Thank you for your patience!
From my statistics page I see that many of you are clicking on my blog. Please do me a favor and comment on my blog posts. I’m feeling a bit like a lonely voice hawking my books, tea, and tea leaf reading tips in the wilderness. You can click on any blog post and comment. Your comment doesn’t even have to fit the posting’s subject. I just want to hear from you guys. Thanks much! Carolina
New Releases
Issy Castillo Series
Scent of Murder
By Carolina Dow
Release Date: June 24, 2024
Whiff of Murder
By Carolina Dow
Release Date: June 24, 2025
Killer Scent
By Carolina Dow
Release Date: June 24, 2026

About Carolina
We authors are generally shy folks, more comfortable alone in our offices banging on keyboards than tooting our horns in public. However, we understand that to connect better with our readers we need to communicate some information about ourselves. So here’s the lowdown on me.